Coping With Covid

2 min read

Hey, friends. Hope you’re all doing okay.

Yeah, so there’s a pandemic taking over the world right now and its kinda shitty. People keep dying. The country is in a state of National Emergency. It’s getting a little bit scary (at least for me, anyway). It’s disrupting everything no matter the size. Money… Jobs…Dreams…

First of all, acknowledging this anxiety and sadness does matter. It makes total sense to be anxious about it. But also what matters most in times like this is pulling together, forming a community. Connecting with one another, and offering care to others to get through this.

Control The Chaos

While you’re living through these unprecedented times the chaos may feel miserable. But what if we should try to see it from a new perspective, a time of new experiences. A time where we can pause, look around and value those around us and also ourselves.

At the moment we have been forced to make the best of the situation we are in. Smart casual is literally what I wear from top to bottom. But maybe we could use this time to nurture a passion, an online course or even a new skill (That skill doesn’t have to be physical it might be a personal skill, like being still or undistracted).

Community Is key

Remember: We’re in this together. Don’t get me wrong let's social distance but let’s also text, call, and video chat those around us.

We’re living through a historic time. Experts predict we’re only at the beginning of the crisis (02/04/20). You might be worried about what this means for your family and for your future. I’m certainly am. Where will we be in six months, a year, 10 years from now? This pandemic is driving us apart physically, but we can knit ourselves together. We can strengthen our bonds to one another. And become a bigger and better community by the end of this.

Just my thoughts on all of this crazy-ness here are some very very useful information that you might find helpful. From people who actually know what they are talking about.

Stay strong, stay positive and hang in there.


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