
The Tale of the Sea Shanty


2021 began just as crazy as 2020 left us, thanks to the rise of sea shanties. With the trend originating from a solitary video by a postman on TikTok, we wanted to celebrate him as part of TikTok's existing #ItStartsonTikTok campaign. We saw social media users such as Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber, Gary Barlow and even Nickelback + many others from around the globe harmonised to these folksy maritime songs like it was 1825.

The TV spot turned around in 4 days, received 4.6 billion hashtag impressions in-app and a VTR 239% above the benchmark. Featured In: The DrumAdageCampaignLBBOnline.

I helped to transform a simple trending video into the TikToks most successful European campaign. Initially, we tested the audience interest with small-scale social media posts. After confirming strong engagement, we collaborated with Nathan Evans to create additional content. This led to the very quick production of the TV campaign showcased above, completed in just four days to make sure we stayed relavent.

Social media examples from the Sea Shanty Campaign
Nathan Evans in a yellow hoodie with the words number 1 in the official charts.